Love, Joy, Peace...


Welcome to Burr Oak!

We are so excited to get to meet you. Please allows us a moment to introduce ourselves. Here at Burr Oak we have two primary beliefs. First, that everything we do is so that Jesus is first in all things. Second, that our Heavenly Father has commanded us to go and grow His family. We accomplish this through three elements that really makes us who we are here at Burr Oak: Real Life, Real Family, and Real Faith.

REAL LIFE - At Burr Oak we do not shy away from the fact that there are times when this life is hard. We believe that in these moments our family and our faith is what can carry us through, and yes, help us to even find joy in it. That is why we seek to cultivate a real family atmosphere here at Burr Oak, where we can grow together in our faith in Jesus Christ. When life’s trials come our way, with the support of our family we rest in the fact that with confidence we can approach the throne of God to find grace and mercy in our time of need (Hebrews 4:16).

REAL FAMILY  At Burr Oak we believe that it is God who has allowed us to be a family, and that through His love that He has lavished on us we can identify as His children (1 John 3:1), and therefore love each other in real and practical ways. As His children He has given us His Word (the Scriptures) as instruction for how to live in His family. We believe that there is always an open spot at the table and that our Heavenly Father has instructed us to go and grow the family (Matt 28:19-20).

We believe that God’s family is located all around the world. And as such we pray for these fellow brothers and sisters regardless of their distance from our physical location. We rejoice for them in times of celebration, and weep alongside them in times of persecution.

REAL FAITH -  At Burr Oak it is our faith in Jesus Christ that carries us on. While our faith is a deeply personal part of each of us, we believe that our faith calls us to action by sharing our faith through the many real ways we live in community. We seek to demonstrate our faith in both truth and action (1 John 3:18) by how we love God and how we love those around us. We believe by keeping our focus on Jesus our minds can become transformed, which in turn transforms our homes, our communities, and so on.

Purpose Statement - We exist to grow in our understanding of, and love for God and to help others do the same so that he may be first in all things. (Col 1:18 NET)

Mission Statement - Our mission is to reach The Lost of Northeast Indiana with the Love of Christ, so to grow the Family of God.


We believe that the Bible is God’s Word; that it was written by men divinely inspired; that it is inerrant in the original writings, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and practice.  2Pet 1:21; 2Tim 3:1, 17

We believe in One God eternally existing in three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit; was born of the Virgin Mary and is true God and true Man.

We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God; that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death but also spiritual death which is separation from God. All human beings are born with a sinful nature, and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, become sinners in thought, word and deed.

We believe that the Lord Jesus died for our sins according to Scriptures as a representative and substitutionary sacrifice; and that all who believe in Him are justified on the ground of his shed blood.

We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord; His ascension into heaven; and His present life there for us as High Priest and Advocate.

We believe in “that blessed hope”, the personal premillennial and imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust; the everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost.

Want to know more?
Click the button to read our full constitution.